
Sep 11, 2024

Long Script - How to create a long video script with Editby?

Maria Ruocco

👩🏽‍🎓 Video:

Video coming soon ⏳

Let's image we want to create a Long Script (for example, for a YouTube video) about "Apple AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation review" in a few seconds.

We just need to follow three simple steps:

  1. Open a new draft and click on "Long Script"

  2. Enter the topic of the Script and (eventually) the sources from we want to get an inspiration. In this case I am using the TechCruch article.
    Now, click on "Create content"

  3. At this point, Editby will create the Script and we only need to copy-paste it on the left and start editing it (for example, you can add or delete some information)

Maria Ruocco

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Editby helps content writers, companies, newsletter writers and more.


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